Dear High Schooler: a letter from college students

Posted by Susanna Hoffman and Julia Adams on 8/29/23 1:29 PM

I remember how excited I was as I began to consider what college I wished to attend to pursue my undergraduate degree. It is no easy task! For one, I was bombarded with emails from various colleges...

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Before the Throne of God: What is Chapel Guild?

Posted by Julia Adams on 8/16/23 2:39 PM

Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth!Serve the Lord with gladness!Come into his presence with singing!

Know that the Lord, he is God!It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people,...

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In the Shadow of the Cross: The Purpose of Wing Chapel

Posted by Julia Adams on 8/7/23 11:00 AM

“Our community with one another consists solely in what Christ has done to both of us. … The more genuine and the deeper our community becomes, the more will everything else between us recede, the...

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President Jack W. Haye shares his heart and vision for Patrick Henry College

Posted by Cheryl Harvey on 5/30/23 9:50 AM

“The greatness of a leader is measured by the achievements of the led."

General Omar Bradley

Patrick Henry College student Cheryl Harvey sat down with President Jack W. Haye in a personal interview...

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Stillness, Simplicity, and Biblical Love; Highlights from the 2023 PHC Commencement

Posted by Annalise van der Wel on 5/18/23 11:21 AM

Charity Kim took a deep breath and stepped up to the platform to face her fellow classmates, PHC professors, and her friends and family. The graduating senior in the Class of 2023 read from Psalm 19...

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PHC sophomore Sarah Fox shares what it's like to work as a Campus Visit Assistant for the Office of Admissions

Posted by Kate Stimson on 5/1/23 4:03 PM

Sarah Fox is wrapping up her sophomore year at Patrick Henry College working as a Campus Visit Assistant for the Admissions staff. This semester, she has worked 10 hours per week alongside 13 credits...

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Walking in Christ's Footsteps

Posted by Julia Adams on 11/25/22 3:38 PM

After I was accepted into PHC, my admissions counselor directed me to Dr. Stephen Hake, the literature professor. Hake had recently begun offering students the opportunity to be mentored by PHC...

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A Night to Remember: PHC's Walk and Talk

Posted by Julia Adams on 6/7/22 2:04 PM

The Walk and Talk has been a PHC tradition for many years. Multiple times each semester, students gather late in the evening to walk around Patrick Henry Circle (otherwise known to PHC students as...

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Preparing For Easter When Life Is Busy

Posted by Eden Mackie on 4/1/22 6:12 PM

As Easter approaches, it can be easy to get caught up in midterms, papers, and the end of the semester. Nevertheless, it is important, even during late study nights, debate tournaments, and mounds of...

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Seeking God on a College Campus

Posted by Carrie Durning on 3/25/22 11:00 AM

I was in college for two years before I grasped the importance of making my relationship with God my first priority. It took two years before I drank from the fountain of love, joy, and peace that...

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