
Patrick Henry College Webcasts

September 17, 2024


Beauty is Transcendent(al): A Call for Worship Music Excellence
in Today's Church

Dr. Kristina Tanner
Lecture at 9:30 AM and Q&A and Panel Discussion at 1:00 PM


Speaker: Dr. Kristina Tanner

Dr. Kristina Tanner is a professor of music at PHC, where she has taught since 2007. Dr. Tanner is an accomplished musician: She holds a DMA (Doctor of Musical Arts) in Piano from the University of Maryland, College Park, a Master's of Music in Piano Performance from the Peabody Conservatory of the Johns Hopkins University, and a Bachelor's in Piano Performance from Vanderbilt University. Dr. Tanner and her husband are homeschooling parents with 6 children.

Goodness, Truth, and Beauty are the transcendentals underlying the teaching of virtue in Classical education.  But the Classical Christian education movement of the twenty-first century is much more comfortable when teaching Goodness and Truth than teaching Beauty.  An understanding of how the Classical and early through medieval Christian thinkers understood Beauty as compared to the typical twenty-first-century Christian’s view of Beauty is essential.  Through a survey of that history as well as the history of music in Christian worship, twenty-first-century Christians can better see some of the struggles that the church has wrestled through regarding the use of music in worship (including debates about beauty vs. text clarity and questions of iconoclasm).  This can help to cast a vision for the church’s future use of music and the arts, as well as show some areas in which the church could improve by returning to a Classical Christian understanding of the importance and the role of Beauty in its worship and artistic works.

Lecture date & time

The Faith & Reason event will stream here at 9:30 AM for the lecture and 1:00 PM for the Lecture Discussion and Q&A.


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