Why we teach: being first among equals

Posted by Julia Adams on 5/10/24 12:39 PM

As I walk into the Academic Suite in the Barbara Hodel Center, I laugh to myself as I recall the sense of trepidation I felt when I first met with Dr. Cory Grewell during my first semester on...

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"Frankenstein" as a book for economics?

Posted by Julia Adams and Marjorie Pratt on 9/18/23 1:00 PM

You may be thinking, “Not another reading list!” If you’re in high school, you may be learning how to manage a larger workload. If you’re a college student, you may be just trying to get by with the...

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Hermeneutics of Generosity: How Dr. Grewell watches film adaptions

Posted by Julia Adams on 9/3/23 2:17 PM

**Note** Patrick Henry College does not officially endorse the following movie selections or the worldviews they represent.

If you are a literature aficionado or enjoy watching the film adaptions of...

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Do you know God's unique vocational calling on your life?

Posted by Julia Adams on 8/12/22 1:11 PM

God has a completely unique vocational calling for your life—do you know what it is? One of the rich benefits of the classical liberal arts program at PHC is its ability to guide students in their...

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10 Recommendations for College-Bound Christian Teens

Posted by Julia Adams on 7/22/22 1:03 PM

Are you preparing for the transition from high school to college, but wonder if you have the academic chops to be successful? Have you been thinking that the demands of college course loads would...

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What Makes a Quality Film Adaptation?

Posted by Julia Adams on 7/13/22 4:47 PM

**Note** Patrick Henry College does not officially endorse the following movie selections or the worldviews they represent.

When a film adaptation of a classic book arrives in theaters, people go to...

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Read like a PHC student this summer! (part 2)

Posted by Julia Adams on 6/2/22 12:33 PM

Now that the school year is over, are you looking for a book list for the summer? Do you want to walk in someone else’s shoes and explore philosophical thoughts alongside men like St. Augustine, C.S....

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Read like a PHC student this summer!

Posted by Julia Adams on 5/28/22 10:00 AM

Now that the school year is over, are you looking for a book list for the summer? Do you want to walk in someone else’s shoes and explore philosophical thoughts alongside men like St. Augustine, C.S....

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PHC's Theatre Group, Eden Troupe, is Alive and Thriving

Posted by Kennedy Kruse on 2/8/22 3:35 PM

Junior Spencer Dalke, one of this year’s Eden Troupe directors, walked onto the chapel stage. Behind him stood the chapel guild team ready to lead worship. Before him sat the student body and...

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Which Villain in Classic Literature Are You?

Posted by Patrick Henry College on 9/10/21 8:58 AM

Literature is uniquely powerful. With the ability to showcase the conflicts (internal and external) and complexities of characters, classic literature can often provide clarity for our current...

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