Meet PHC's New Associate Professor of Biology: Dr. Mike Jackson

Posted by Julia Adams on 8/29/23 2:17 PM

Meet the new Associate Professor of Biology, Dr. Michael Jackson! We chatted with him to learn a bit about his story and what he looks forward to here at PHC. 

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Biology Professor David Lee in Sight of Ph.D.

Posted by Gracen Fulmer on 2/2/22 11:00 AM

After years of dedication, Biology Professor David Lee expects to earn his Ph.D. this May.

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Examining the Biblical Understanding of Identity and Personhood: PHC's Imago Dei Project

Posted by Patrick Henry College on 11/15/21 1:15 PM

Updated May 23, 2024

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Dr. Sillars' Investigation into Free North Korea Radio

Posted by Patrick Henry College on 9/28/21 2:32 PM

The Freedom Show, a two-part series aired by WORLD Magazine, provides listeners with an inside look into the voice that is attempting to break through to one of the world’s most restrictive...

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Meet Dr. Kristina Tanner, PHC's New Professor of Music

Posted by Patrick Henry College on 9/5/17 4:38 PM

Patrick Henry College’s music program entered a new phase this fall with the transition of adjunct professor Dr. Kristina Tanner as full-time professor of music.

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Former Professor Dr. David Aikman Returns to Ireland

Posted by Hailey Kilgo on 2/8/17 9:38 AM

Former PHC professor David Aikman will move from his home in Warrenton, Virginia, to Vicar of Blair, a county in Ireland, in February to be closer to family. When Aikman left PHC two years ago after...

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