The Economics & Business Analytics program at Patrick Henry equips students for careers and exciting opportunities after graduation. The Core Curriculum emphasizes good writing and verbal communication skills, as well as teaches the historical emphasis on free markets in American economics and fundamental political theory, logic, and biblical theology. Graduates will be prepared to enter directly into the business world, graduate studies, or the public policy arena. The fusion of creativity, economic understanding, mathematical competency and leadership skills in Economics & Business Analytics prepares students to become successful business persons or entrepreneurs, wherever their interests might lead. An orientation toward an unwavering biblical worldview and fidelity to the spirit of the American founding through high academic rigor sets students up for flexibility and success as they venture into their career fields.
A Head Start
The Economics & Business Analytics program hosts a myriad of mathematical classes that are taught by world-class experts and professionals in their fields.
In addition, the case methodology courses at Patrick Henry rival Harvard business school case studies in their challenging nature for future leaders in EBA. Students learn how to think like a CEO and entrepreneur, learning to successfully start, build, sustain, improve, and grow a prosperous economic enterprise. They also acquire an understanding of competing economic models that exist at both the macroeconomic and microeconomic levels.
Business acumen skills especially in the area of financial management and the analysis of various economic enterprises are heightened as students are guided through executive leadership courses and advanced math and science, but Economics & Business Analytics produces more than future economists or business executives. Alumni emerge as adaptable learners, strategic thinkers, and servant leaders of high integrity. Thanks to the dedication and service of those who teach, give, and attend, the Economics & Business Analytics program is a collaborative effort crafted to produce remarkable results.
The Paths of Economics & Business Analytics
Whether pursuing client engagement, corporate law, financial services, or operational excellence, our students are ahead of the game for an executive trajectory. By incorporating MBA-level courses and Harvard case studies, students are well equipped to stand out in their early careers and future professional studies.
2. Business AnalyticsOur classical core combined with economics, advanced mathematics, and business analysis to uniquely prepare our graduates for positions as data analysts, financial analysts, business analysts, quality analysts, and software analysts. These positions are excellent arenas for entering the marketplace with a strong work ethic and a Christ-centered worldview.
3. Free Market EconomicsThe EBA program offers students with interest in economics a path to the academic and practical facets of Free Market Economics. A solid foundation in both economic theory and advanced mathematics provides a versatile platform of knowledge and applied skill, preparing students for advanced studies and policy-oriented careers.
4. Entrepreneurial venturesProblem solving, creativity, and analysis are critical skills needed for every entrepreneur. For those who have a passion to build something new, the EBA program prepares them to think broadly yet deeply, combining the best of the liberal arts with business fundamentals and analytical expertise.
5. Christian MinistryManaging in the non-profit sector is no less challenging than running a complex business. Skilled leadership is essential. EBA is the perfect program for those who want to bring sound thinking and excellence to Kingdom-focused ministries.
Patrick Henry is dedicated to setting students up for a successful career after graduation, and apprenticeships are embedded in the core curriculum as an immersive way for students to gain hands-on experience at the company of their choice. Students may take advantage of PHC’s favorable location—only 50 miles from the nation’s capital—to access many different types of internships at prominent companies.
Economics & Business Analytics students have interned and have accepted successful job positions at such places as Amazon, Google, Dell, Cisco, CACI, Booz Allen, Accenture, BAE systems, Boston Consulting, Federal Reserve Board, Focus on the Family, Uber, AEI, Wells Fargo, and the Cato Institute. Students may also benefit from relying on the extensive experience of faculty members to network and locate business opportunities across the country.
The Future of Business and Leadership
At Patrick Henry College, we believe leaders are built, not born. College is where life’s foundation is strengthened and matured, and while many train students, we develop leaders to apply biblical principles to the study and practice of economics and business. The Economics & Business Analytics program was crafted for leaders who will shape America and impact change in the culture for Christ and for Liberty.
Explore the EBA Program Guide and schedule a visit to PHC today!
Maybe you're still making up your mind about what kind of career you feel called to. You think you could see yourself doing business, but maybe you're not quite sure. If that's you, why not schedule your visit to PHC today?

At Patrick Henry College, we want students to be prepared for any field. That means training you with the kind of rhetorical ability seen in the video below.