March Newsmakers Interview

Posted by Patrick Henry College on 3/3/16 10:00 AM

Heavyweight Interviews with Distinguished Guests



It’s that time again! Join us March 14–18, for the Patrick Henry College Newsmakers Interview Series with PHC’s Distinguished Chair in Journalism and Public Policy, Dr. Marvin Olasky.

Interviews are free and open to the public. Have a question for an interviewee? Tweet @patrickhenrycol and we will ask them for you, during our Q&A.

Join us in the Barbara Hodel Center


Watch live on our webcast!

  • Monday, March 14, 6 pm:  Historian Herbert Schlossberg, author of Idols for Destruction, in conjunction with three sections of Robert Spinney’s History of the US II
  • Tuesday, March 15, 6 pm: Rosaria Butterfield, former Syracuse University tenured professor/radical feminist/lesbian, now a pastor’s wife and the devout author of two terrific books.
  • Wednesday, March 16, 12:50 pm: American Enterprise Institute president Arthur Brooks, in conjunction with Doug Favelo’s Western Civilization II.
  • Thursday, March 17, 3:50 pm: Ethics and Public Policy fellow Henry Olsen, in conjunction with Mark Mitchell’s Freedom’s Foundations II.
  • Friday, March 18, 11:30 am: Kim Holmes, author of The Closing of the Liberal Mind and former assistant secretary of state.

The week-long series has featured heavyweight interviews with distinguished guests such as history-making surgeon and author Dr. Ben Carson, former Secretary of Education Bill Bennett, chief political correspondent for Slate magazine and political director of CBS News John Dickerson, CEO of Forbes, Inc. Steve Forbes, and Founder of C-Span Brian Lamb, among many more.

You can view or listen to the previous Newsmakers Interview Series here.

To stay up-to-date with all details on the Newsmakers interviews. Follow  PHC’s Facebook page and Twitter feed!



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