The Difference Between a Statement of Biblical Worldview and a Statement of Faith

Posted by Susanna Hoffman on 12/7/20 9:21 AM

Difference between statements

As a Christian institution with a mission to “lead the nation and shape the culture for Christ,” Patrick Henry College is dedicated to bringing honor and glory to Christ in all its activities and through all its employees and students. To maintain a God-honoring community, the College requires all personnel to share common biblical principles. 

Before joining the Patrick Henry College community, each person is required to sign a Biblical Statement of Faith. This Statement is specified by the Board of Trustees that all trustees, officers, faculty members, and students of the College must agree with.

The State of Faith is as follows: 

  • There is one God, eternally existent in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  • God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in truth.
  • Jesus Christ, born of a virgin, is God come in the flesh.
  • The Bible in its entirety (all 66 books of the Old and New Testaments) is the inspired Word of God, inerrant in its original autographs, and the only infallible and sufficient authority for faith and Christian living.
  • Man is by nature sinful and is inherently in need of salvation, which is exclusively found by faith alone in Jesus Christ and His shed blood.
  • Christ's death provides substitutionary atonement for our sins.
  • Personal salvation comes to mankind by grace through faith.
  • Jesus Christ literally rose bodily from the dead.
  • Jesus Christ literally will come to earth again in the Second Advent.
  • Satan exists as a personal, malevolent being who acts as tempter and accuser, for whom Hell, the place of eternal punishment, was prepared, where all who die outside of Christ shall be confined in conscious torment for eternity.

Patrick Henry College not only requires all its personnel sign a statement of faith, but it also guarantees that each class will uphold a biblical worldview by requiring all staff to share the same convictions of the following biblical concepts. And that's where the statement of Biblical worldview comes in:

  • The Holy Scriptures
  • The Holy Trinity 
  • God's Being
  • God's Creative Works
  • Jesus Christ
  • The Holy Spirit 
  • Mankind as created in the image of God 
  • Salvation
  • Sanctification

The worldview also defines three primary social institutions the College believes God has ordained to order human affairs: the family, the church, and civil government. 

This worldview, a descriptive position on biblical concepts, is what guides the Christian education philosophy at Patrick Henry College. Each assignment and class discussion stem from this worldview and thus shape students' worldview.

Where the statement of faith is an expression of personal conviction, the statement of biblical worldview is a set of beliefs that represents the core of the school's Christian education.

Patrick Henry College believes that God is the source of all truth, be it spiritual, moral, philosophical, or scientific. As Colossians 1:16b-17 states, “All things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.”


To learn more about how Patrick Henry College’s biblical foundation influences its education philosophy, click the link below!


A Biblical Philosophy of Education


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