Defining Cultures Through Storytelling: Why Journalism Matters

Posted by Emma Perley on 6/9/21 9:09 AM

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The following article was authored by  Carrie Durning and Emma Perley.

Patrick Henry College has a reputation of being one of the top Christian colleges in the nation, regardless of the academic major that a student pursues. A very unique formula helps build the Patrick Henry College Journalism program and makes it stand apart from any other BA-level program in Journalism.

So, what makes Journalism so unique? That’s a fair question. Here is the answer: the liberal arts program at Patrick Henry College is distinctly classical in its approach, American in its presentation, and Christian in its worldview.

To Tell Great Stories

Studying Journalism at Patrick Henry College will do more than help students learn how to write or to get news stories out the door as quickly as possible. Courses in journalism at Patrick Henry College are aimed at creating great storytellers. Stories define cultures, and storytellers play a key role in politics, business, entertainment, education, the arts, and religion. 

The aim for the Journalism program at Patrick Henry College is only accomplished when the graduates are able to see the world rightly—as it really is. Only then can those storytellers help others see the world rightly too. Far more than aiming to inform, a well-trained journalist will strive to help people understand. With the rich classical Christian liberal arts education at Patrick Henry College, graduates will be best equipped to “lead the nation and shape the culture,” through stories. The ability to tell truthful stories that resonate and grip a nation finds its roots in the classical formula, through which students are taught to see and write clearly and critically about the world around them.

Explore the Journalism Program:

Journalism Program guide pop-up cover

From Writing to Storytelling at Patrick Henry College

At Patrick Henry College, core journalism courses reveal the importance of understanding a story before shaping it into a narrative—and from story narrative to a masterpiece. Whether a student takes Political, Entrepreneurial, or Liberal Arts Journalism at Patrick Henry, the Journalism major equips students with excellence in writing, the ability to find important stories that shape the culture, and beautiful use of language when telling a story.

The first classes in the program, Journalism I and II, blend classical liberal arts with the art of writing. The courses place emphasis on finding the relationship between the concrete and the abstract worlds during the interview process. Students develop the high-caliber skill of learning how to ask precise questions for acquiring the most accurate story possible. 

Once journalism students learn to think clearly, speak articulately, and write persuasively, they are best equipped to tell the story. Journalism students continue into courses which cover the basics of storytelling and writing, all with a commitment to the highest levels of character and integrity. 

PHC's Journalism Program

The Importance of Storytelling in Journalism

The demand for Christians in the media, government, and ministry has been rising steadily in the last fifty years. Patrick Henry College aims to fill that need by training journalists to bring audiences into the realm of objective truth telling, fair and accurate portrayals, and a God-glorifying work ethic. This is why the Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism is so unique: at Patrick Henry College, we train young Christians to have a historically—informed understanding of the culture and a strong understanding of how best to apply biblical truth to important cultural issues. 

Harvest Prude, an alumna from the class of 2018, commented on her experience with Journalism at Patrick Henry College, saying, “The classes have taught me to conform rough ideas into comprehensive narratives, to harness my curiosity productively, and to be persistent and dedicated to my work.” Prude reported for WORLD Magazine from 2018-2021, and is now working as a politics reporter for The Dispatch.


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