Faith & Reason Lecture Day is Almost Here

Posted by Patrick Henry College on 2/4/19 3:04 PM

 Faith & Reason (2)

Dr. Greg Ganssle, Professor of Philosophy at Biola University, Talbot School of Theology, will be delivering this spring's Faith and Reason Lecture on "Core Identity and the Journey Towards Becoming Human."

Visit to live-stream the event this coming Friday, February 8, at 9:30am.

Dr. Ganssle's lecture will cover the following: 

The most important question for every human being is, “What kind of person should I be?” This question is embedded in related questions such as, “What kind of person do I want to be?” and “What kind of person am I becoming?” and “What does it mean to be human?” The last of these questions is what we might call a “world-view” question. Its connection with these other questions reveals that there is something that operates more deeply in a person than her world-view. I call this region of a person, her “core identity.” Our core identity consists of our deepest desires and beliefs about who we are and who we want to be. It is this core that largely shapes how we navigate the world and adopt one world-view or another. The Christian Story, I will argue, offers an invitation to begin the journey towards becoming human. It has the resources to capture our core desires and to explain how or deepest desires are grounded in the way things are. We shall see that when Jesus engaged people in need, he did more than meet their immediate needs. He affirmed their humanity and restored their damaged core identities.

Faith and Reason lectures are one of the longest standing PHC traditions. One day each semester is set aside for a campus-wide event devoted to thinking deeply and exploring the Truth revealed in God's created order.

Each spring, we invite a scholar from outside the PHC community to guest lecture, such as Nancy Pearcy, Anthony Esolon, and Leland Ryken. In the fall, a member of our own faculty will lecture. To watch past lectures, visit our YouTube playlist here.


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