"God gave us an opportunity to serve Him everywhere we went," said Professor David R. Shedd while describing the challenges that he, his wife, Lisa, and their family encountered in missionary work throughout Central and South America.
Shedd is a retired U.S. intelligence officer whose final post was as the acting Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. Professor Shedd has been teaching courses in government for the Strategic Intelligence program at PHC for the past seven years.
Shedd and his wife Lisa are living lives of selfless service whether in the local church, in orphanages, or in helping meet the physical needs of others—this is what Shedd calls ministering to "the whole person."
"Above all else, God is faithful. . . . If you don't believe that, life has a downward spiral to it," Shedd said.
Shedd shared these remarks at a recent reception at Patrick Henry College (PHC), which was held in honor of him and his wife for their support of PHC's mission. Teaching PHC students was a ministry for Shedd, and many Strategic Intelligence students and alumni came to show their love and support. The Shedd's godly legacy continues as they follow the Lord's leading and embrace continued ministry opportunities ahead in the U.S. and abroad.