Two PHC graduates who are now in law school took time out of their schedules to host a discussion with the Pre-Law Society. Read more here!
Ellie Munshi, vice president of the Pre-Law Society:
“The discussion covered a wide range of topics, from determining whether law school is the right fit, to tips on LSAT preparation, and crafting an impactful personal statement. Speakers addressed how to choose the right schools, balance prestige with financial considerations, and navigate the intense workload of law school.
Calvin and Mya also explored how law school helps shape career paths, what traits top law schools look for, and how to make your application stand out—even if your major or resume seems unrelated to law."
— Ellie Munshi (PHC 2027)
Here are thoughts from Calvin and Mya:
“In law school, I have been building on the foundation of reading, writing, and legal reasoning skills that I developed at PHC. I am very thankful for my PHC professors and the PHC alumni network, who were instrumental in [helping with] applying to law schools and navigating the legal field. There are a lot of nuances to law school applications and working in law that I would not have known if I had not had PHC alumni guiding me through it. Therefore, I wanted to pay forward the help I received and help the next class of PHC students who are looking to pursue a career in law. The PHC community is one of the things I am most grateful for, so I am excited to foster that community as an alumna."
— Mya Phillips (PHC 2023)
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