Affirming the Sanctity of Life, Especially Those with Down Syndrome

Posted by Patrick Henry College on 8/10/21 8:59 AM


Danielle Bliven, a rising senior in the PHC Journalism program, recently published an article with Care Net, highlighting the intrinsic value of life in children with Down Syndrome (DS). In her article, Danielle recounts five stories of families with children who were born with DS, detailing how their families—and the choice they made to protect life—brought about joy and beauty.

Sadly, Danielle reminds the reader, the decision to protect the lives of children with DS is an increasingly rare decision in today’s world.

“According to the most recent study published in 2012, between 67%-85% of children prenatally diagnosed with Down Syndrome are terminated in the United States. Many medical professionals often interpret a prenatal Down syndrome diagnosis as a death sentence, not only for the unborn baby but for the family’s livelihood as well. Expectant families are often left with little hope, and for many, termination seems like the only way out.”

Danielle is a talented writer who doesn’t shy away from topics that are often hard to talk about, even among Christians. Having already published an article with WORLD Magazine on post-abortion trauma, Danielle's most recent piece more clearly defines her as a powerful pro-life writer. As a developing journalist, finding a topic of interest is a critical component of developing a career.

We are so proud that she’s decided to take a stand for life in her work.

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