Five Apps to Help You Succeed in School

Posted by Marjorie Pratt on 9/9/19 11:17 AM

Apps to Help You Succeed

The internet is often a distraction from the tasks that you need to get done instead of an asset. Social media and streaming services too often keep us from studying, work, and chores we need to get done. However, if we use the right websites wisely, the internet can be a huge asset. The trick is figuring out which sites are useful.

Let us help! Below are five free apps to help you study!


Quizlet allows you to create, customize, and share your own flashcards. With these flashcards, Quizlet can create memory games and recitation games to support long-term memorization. This is a great tool for learning historical dates, foreign language vocabulary, and scientific terms.

Quizlet has a mobile app and a website.

Wolfram Alpha

This app provides informational articles on math, science, and social science. Its interpretive search engine serves not only as a guide to those articles, but it also acts as an algebraic calculator.

This calculator allows you to directly input just about any math problem. After receiving the input, Wolfram Alpha provides a walkthrough on how to solve the problem.

Wolfram Alpha is free online, but it also offers an app for $2.99.


This is one of the leading apps in language-learning. It offers courses in dozens of languages. Rather than starting each user off at the beginning, Duolingo takes users through an aptitude test designed to place individuals in the spot most applicable to their prior knowledge.

While unlikely to reward any user with fluency, this is a helpful support to foreign language classes.

Duolingo is a website and a mobile app.

Self Control

Self Control isn't only a fruit of the spirit. It's also a Google Chrome add-on and macOS app. The app allows you to temporarily block certain websites in that browser. You get to choose which website and how long you want them blocked. If you have a paper due at 5 p.m., and Facebook is proving to be a distraction, you can block the site until your paper is polished and turned in at 5. Self Control is helpful for fighting temptation, but it is also an asset to fingers who might thoughtlessly type social media URLs into the navigation bar when they get bored.

Similar add-ons exist for other browsers.

The Homework App

The Homework App is an iPhone application built to keep students organized. The program allows users to color code subjects, sub-tasks, and tests. Using The Homework App helps users visualize and prioritize their entire schedules from what they have already completed to what they still need to accomplish.

Get the app here.

The Takeaway

These are just five of thousands of incredibly useful apps and websites. Take the time to find the tools that help you and your learning style the most. While you're at it, check out these five tips on starting your semester off right.


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