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Listen: Praise and Persecution - WORLD Magazine

Posted by Patrick Henry College on July 30, 2021 at 8:19 AM

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The Church in Nigeria has come under fierce persecution, often threatening the life and wellbeing of many believers. But the Church isn't shrinking away from spreading the Gospel. PHC journalism professor Dr. Les Sillars reports for The World and Everything In It on how, even in the midst of intense persecution, the Church in Nigeria has found reason to praise the Lord for the work he is doing in their country.




The Journalism major prepares Christian students to be outstanding journalists. Students will gain the skills, knowledge, and experience they will need to compete effectively for positions with news media in local, regional, and national markets. Students also develop a strong sense of professionalism, a respect for the institution of journalism and its role in maintaining a free society, and the ability to understand and evaluate trends and practices in contemporary journalism. Most importantly, they will develop a biblically-based philosophy of journalism to guide them as they seek truth as the ultimate goal in all that they investigate and report.

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