
Journalism & Digital Media | Internship Opportunities

"Without a framework our lives are a blizzard of disconnected facts and events. But a storyteller says, “Do you want to know what love is? Or courage or greed or compassion? Do you want to know where you came from and where you’re going? Do you want to know why evil stalks the earth? Do you want to know why life changes? Do you want to know what connects you to other people? Let me tell you a story.”
—Les Sillars, Ph.D., Professor of Journalism
Journalism Internships Patrick Henry College

Apprenticeship Experience and Methodology

Apprenticeship methodology is a crucial component of the Patrick Henry College Journalism & Digital Media program. After completing Intro to Journalism (usually in their freshman or sophomore year), students spend two semesters as staff members on the student newspaper, magazine, or radio program (Student Media Production). In the fall semester, students take Digital Design, which provides a strong introduction to the principles of graphic design and the use of design software. In their junior year, students dive deeply into storytelling with Narrative Nonfiction and then apply those principles in Multimedia Skills, an introduction audio and video production and editing. In their senior year students may take Digital Storytelling, offering an opportunity to take the entire academic year to report, write, and produce a national-level print, audio, or video story.

Usually in their junior or senior year students must earn at least six internship credits by completing an off-campus internship. Students have interned at, among other publications, WORLD News Group (with the magazine as well as the website and radio show), Fox News, National Geographic, Reuters, American Family Radio, USAToday.com, and many smaller newspapers and broadcast stations. Students have also interned at places like Focus on the Family, various Congressional Offices, International Christian Concern, as well as communication/public relations firms. Students complete the program's internship requirements by taking 9 credits of journalism electives. That may include additional off-campus internships, freelance project internships under the supervision of the Director of Journalism, or a combination of the above.


Previous PHC Internship or Work Opportunities

  • WORLD Magazine
  • Walden Media
  • TheFederalist.com
  • ABC and Fox TV affiliates
  • The American Conservative
  • National Geographic
  • KFI Radio (Los Angeles)
  • NBC/Universal
  • U.S. Chamber of Commerce
  • The Heritage Foundation
  • Reuters
  • Smaller news organizations, companies, and non-profit agencies

Recommended Courses and Course Sequence for the Journalism Major.

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