
Minor in Music

Music Minor Patrick Henry College (PHC)

The Music minor offers specialized instruction and experience in music, reinforcing and building on the solid foundation of the liberal arts core. The courses in the Music minor offer experience in Music Theory, Aural Skills, Conducting, Music Pedagogy, and Art and Worship in the Church. With this foundation, students may also participate in instrumental or vocal ensembles and will study applied music to complete their degree requirements.

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This program is one of the most exciting offerings at Patrick Henry College. It expands upon the best of what makes PHC distinctive—its Core Curriculum—and provides biblical, practical, and philosophical foundations for how and why people learn, in addition to an excellent music curriculum, which is more robust than many music minors offered at other colleges.

Admission and Objectives

Due to the rigor of the course work, admission into the Music minor requires some significant pre-college musical experience. Interested students should have previous experience learning an applied musical skill (piano, voice, various instruments, etc.) and have the ability to read music.

Our objective is to equip skilled musical leaders who can serve their communities through their knowledge of the musical enterprise.

Music Minor Objectives:

  • Students will develop the ability to hear, identify, and work conceptually with the elements of music such as rhythm, melody, harmony, structure, timbre, texture.
  • Students will gain an understanding of, and the ability to read and realize, musical notation.
  • Students will grow in performance ability.


PHC offers the J.S. Bach Music Leadership Scholarship to support musicians who desire to steward their gifts and abilities as students of Patrick Henry College. Not limited to Music minor students, this scholarship is offered to all qualified students who wish to serve with their musical gifts during their time at PHC.

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