Associate Professor of Biology
Chair, Department of Applied Liberal Arts
Dr. Mike Jackson
Phone: 540-441-8165
Educational Background:
BA in Biology from Cornell University
MPH in Epidemiology from the University of Washington
PhD in Epidemiology from the University of Washington
Time at PHC: 2023 to present
Prior to joining PHC, Dr. Mike Jackson spent more than a decade leading a grant-funded research program at Kaiser Permanent Washington. His research focused on the real-world impact of vaccination programs, including questions of vaccine effectiveness, vaccine safety, and underlying pathogen transmission dynamics. He has operated active surveillance systems for influenza, built mathematical models of Neisseria meningitidis transmission in Africa, and developed novel methods for studying vaccine effectiveness in human populations. Dr. Jackson has over 140 papers published in the biomedical literature. In addition, he has worked in applied public health at both the local and federal levels and has worked as an epidemiologist on the data science teams of several health tech start-ups. Dr. Jackson teaches various courses in Biology at PHC.