The Pro-Life Assumptions Behind Coronavirus Strategies

Posted by Dr. Michael P. Farris on 3/17/20 11:21 AM

ProLife and Coronavirus

The fundamental reason nearly every nation is taking drastic steps to curtail the advance of the coronavirus is the belief that all life is precious. Think of how deeply contrary this is to essential elements of the pro abortion/pro euthanasia movement.

Who is most at risk? Elderly people. People with weakened immune systems.

The euthanasia movement takes aim at this very population with the implicit argument that some lives no longer have sufficient value.

Contrary to the euthanasia assumptions, we are making dramatic sacrifices to protect the vulnerable.

The pro abortion movement has launched a “celebrate your abortion” tactic. Women are proudly proclaiming that their careers and earning potential soared because they chose to sacrifice the life of their baby.

Yet, we are seeing a worldwide consensus develop that elevates the sanctity of life so highly that great economic and career sacrifices are being called for and made.

Life is indeed precious. And I must admit that I have had misgivings about some of the public health tactics because of secondary impacts. And while these secondary impacts are important and should not be ignored, it is intrinsically right that the protection of life is the highest value.

This episode may cause a reshuffling of many social and political views. I want the view that life is precious to advance.

If the view that life is precious and all should be protected no matter how small or vulnerable gains ascendancy in the hearts of the vast majority, then we can just pause and thank God.

Something that the spiritual forces of darkness foisted on mankind for evil purposes can be turned for good if we indeed soften our hearts and use our heads to embrace the ultimate sanctity of every person no matter how small.


Michael Farris_2016 Faculty PictureMichael Farris is the former President & CEO of Alliance Defending Freedom. He served in this capacity from 2017 until 2022. 

Before joining ADF, Farris was founding president of both the Home School Legal Defense Association (1983) and Patrick Henry College (2000) and continues to serve as chairman of the board of HSLDA and PHC and is chancellor emeritus of PHC.

This post is shared with permission.

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