PHC grad takes research prize at Grove City College, resulting work slated for publication in scholarly journal

January 13th, 2015

Purcellville, VA—A research project of 2004 PHC graduate James Kimball titled "The Gold Standard in Contemporary Economic Principles Textbooks" recently took second place in the Richard E. Fox Best Paper competition at the Austrian Student Scholars Conference at Grove City College, in Grove City, Pennsylvania. The paper is scheduled for publication in the spring issue of the Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics.

Kimball's work surveys sixty-five undergraduate level modern economics textbooks and documents how the subject of the gold standard is treated. His paper also offers a brief critique of the relevant issues and considerations concerning sound money and a gold standard from an Austrian perspective.

Kimball, who interned at the White House during his time at PHC, graduated in May with a degree in government, specializing in public policy. He is currently an O. P. Alford III Research Fellow at the Ludwig von Mises Institute and hopes to enroll in the Ph.D. program in economics at George Mason University in the fall.

The Austrian Students Scholars Conference (ASSC) brings together undergraduates and first-year graduate students to present their own research papers written in the tradition of the great Austrian School intellectuals such as Ludwig von Mises, F. A. Hayek, Murray Rothbard, and Hans Sennholz.

Founded in 2000, Patrick Henry College is a classical Christian liberal arts college dedicated to training men and women who will lead our nation and shape our culture with timeless biblical values and fidelity to the spirit of the American founding. A PHC education combines rigorous academics, a biblical worldview, a classical liberal arts core curriculum, and apprenticeship methodologies to produce graduates who are uniquely qualified to serve God and mankind.