What you’re doing is important. Journalism is a profoundly noble calling, and you’re helping students accomplish God’s purposes in their lives and in our culture. Thank you for your service.
High school journalism teachers, especially Christian ones, often wonder where to find curricula that reflect their faith. Here are some resources we use here at Patrick Henry College.
I hope you find them helpful, but they’re just a start. If you have questions or even just need a little encouragement, please, send me a note or give me a call. I’d really like to help.
Les Sillars
540 441 8230
I’m on staff at World, and Christianity Today is very reputable. Avoid Christian websites that merely rewrite stories published elsewhere.
World News Group (free)
World Magazine and World Digital (wng.org)
The World and Everything In It (worldandeverything.org)
Christianity Today
(christianitytoday.com subscription required)
Reforming Journalism on a biblical approach to journalism
by Dr. Marvin Olasky, Editor-in-chief at World News Group
Writing and Reporting News by Carol Rich, a clear introduction to basic journalism
The Newspaper Designer’s Handbook by Tim Harrower, for excellent page and story design
The Non-Designer’s Design Book by Robin Williams. It’s extremely clear, concise, and interesting.
Sound Reporting from the folks at NPR
We have just the thing for you! Check out our WORLD Journalism Institute Multi-Media Camp at Patrick Henry College. You’ll experience life as a reporter in a digital world, and you'll have the opportunity to find and craft stories for several platforms and practice engaging your audience.