
Before the Throne of God: What is Chapel Guild?

Written by Julia Adams | 8/16/23 6:39 PM

Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth!
Serve the Lord with gladness!
Come into his presence with singing!

Know that the Lord, he is God!
It is he who made us, and we are his;
we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.

Enter his gates with thanksgiving,
and his courts with praise!
Give thanks to him; bless his name!

For the Lord is good;
his steadfast love endures forever,
and his faithfulness to all generations.
Psalm 100 (ESV)

Over and over again, the Lord calls His children to worship Him, whether in solitude or in community. It is a time to recognize who He is and what He has done for us in the past, what He is doing for us in the present, and what He will do for us in the future. It is an opportunity to come daily into the presence of Christ. Thus, worshiping the Lord in community is a vital part of a PHC student’s weekly routine.

Chapel Guild is an opportunity for students to lead fellow students, faculty, and staff in a time of worship every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Members are selected through an audition process during the first day of classes. Once students have been selected, they are assigned a group and a student leader. This student will select two to three songs for the worship set, someone to read the Scripture, someone to pray, and someone to read the benediction at the conclusion of Corporate Chapel. The worship sets vary such as a focus on traditional hymns, contemporary Christian music or a mixture of both. Chapel Guilds will meet to rehearse the songs once or twice before their scheduled time and complete a sound-check an hour before chapel begins. They also have the opportunity to participate in special events in addition to chapel services.

I remember when I first auditioned. I had never led worship before, and my musical experience was limited to private lessons and choir in high school. That did not matter! I was assigned along with three other students to a group. Depending on the availability of other groups, we lead worship weekly, but it was usually bi-weekly.

While I was excited to join, I had no idea how an hour of practice could turn into a time of meaningful worship. In a small practice room in the Barbara Hodel Center, my freshman's heart was refreshed and refocused; in the midst of the demands of academic rigor, I resumed a posture of thankfulness. My leader began our practice time with a Scripture verse and then prayed that the Lord would bless our rehearsal. No matter how tired I was entering into that practice room, I walked away with more energy than I had an hour earlier.


It is truly incredible to stand on the stage and hear your fellow peers raise their voices in unison. While I was on stage holding a microphone in my hand, it does not feel like a performance but a time of worship. We are all kneeling before the throne of God and thanking Him for the good things He has done!

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good,
  for his steadfast love endures forever.
Psalm 136:1 (ESV)


  Patrick Henry College exists to glorify God by challenging the status quo in higher education, lifting high both faith and reason within a rigorous academic environment; thereby preserving for posterity the ideals behind the "noble experiment in ordered liberty" that is the foundation of America.