
Teaching Virtue as a Purposeful Component of a College Education

Written by Emma Perley | 8/24/21 1:28 PM

Consider the importance of preparation, respect, and humility in training up the next generation of leaders. When challenges come, leaders will either react out of fear or respond with great humility and courage. Those with humility and courage are the kind of leaders we are training at Patrick Henry College.

The aim at Patrick Henry College is to equip leaders who see their gifts as coming from God and who recognize their duty to use those gifts for His glory and the good of those around them. . . . Leaders who will be steady at the helm, no matter how rough the sea becomes, because they know that their ultimate hope and strength lies in Christ.

Do you think that communicating virtue is among a typical college's list of priorities? With little to no structure informing the development of a student’s character, there is little assurance that graduates will have the moral fiber and character needed to become strong future leaders for America.

The best and brightest next-generation leaders deserve an intellectual and personal challenge.

Throughout their vocational callings, alumni will be confronted with many ideas that aim to destroy the principles that established America as a beacon of hope for the world. In order for godly leaders to stand against these destructive ideologies, they must be prepared in mind and heart. America needs leaders who have been fully equipped—leaders that have been confronted with and are prepared for counterfeit ideologies.

The headings that follow, are from Patrick Henry College's "Distinctives and Nonnegotiable Principles," and they paint a portrait of a PHC graduate. Patrick Henry College is designed to "prepare Christian men and women who will lead our nation and shape our culture with timeless biblical values and fidelity to the spirit of the American founding."

Click below on any of the images to learn more about how PHC develops these traits in its students:


This kind of training doesn’t happen by accident.

From the way our classrooms are run, to the required attendance of chapel, Patrick Henry College is constantly challenging its students to carefully evaluate their own character. What is the good life? What is excellence? How can we as young professionals steward the gifts that God has given us?

While the leadership at Patrick Henry College does its best to train the students in its care, we recognize that it’s ultimately up to the Lord to direct the hearts of our graduates. We also recognize that these kinds of questions go far beyond the typical college experience. This is why we exist; to challenge the status quo in higher education.