
Bathing the campus in prayer: The PHC family participates in a prayer walk on campus

Written by Julia Adams | 8/18/23 12:36 AM

The PHC community gathered at the front steps of Founders Hall on Tuesday, August 8th, to participate in a prayer walk around the perimeter of campus. The Lord put this conviction in Jeff Good's heart and he responded in obedience, presenting the idea to President Haye. "It is so important," agreed President Haye, "that we hedge in our campus with fervent prayer."

In his July 26 invitation to prayer, Good expressed the need to "bathe the entire campus in prayer, lifting requests and thanksgiving up to our Lord." The PHC community and friends responded—about 60 in number—stopping at several locations together to give praise, thanksgiving, and supplication to the Lord.

Beginning at 4:30 p.m., Good thanked everyone for coming and described the heart behind the prayer walk. He explained that the walk would take them to several different locations across campus and that at each location, prayer would be lifted covering various aspects of PHC life and ministry.

Vice President Howard Schmidt led the prayer time at the steps of the iconic Founders Hall, asking God’s blessing over the college’s leadership. The group then moved to the soccer field, where Tom Ziemnick led a prayer for the athletics program. Behind Founders Hall, Stephen Pierce led a prayer for the faculty and students. Dr. Stephen Hake led the prayer by Lake Bob, praying for new and returning students.

When the group made it down to the dormitories on the south side of campus, Residence Life staff led small groups in prayer over various aspects of student life. At the final location, President Jack Haye led a prayer over the chapel services and worship held in the gymnasium. The event concluded with a group acapella singing of “Amazing Grace.”

The prayer walk lasted for more than an hour and served as a reminder that prayer is likely the most important part of our work. There is a promise in Matthew 18:20 that says, "Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” In addition to knowing the amazing truth that the Creator God attended this prayer walk with us, it is also encouraging to pray with colleagues, with fellow classmates, and with friends. Prayer is effective in uniting our hearts and reminding us that we are here together, not as individuals, but as a community—a praying community, talking to a God who hears as a hopeful community, a community on mission to do his bidding. May he work in our lives and through our lives this academic year!


Learn more about the unique Christian community at Patrick Henry College