Marvin Olasky: Tips on Choosing a College

Written by Patrick Henry College | September 24, 2018 at 7:38 PM

Dr. Marvin Olasky, Editor-in-Chief of WORLD Magazine, has some excellent advice for Christian high school seniors considering where to apply to college this fall.

Some students automatically lean toward the most prestigious institution, but that can be just a crutch, he warned: “Some wealthy parents pay upwards of $200,000 for four years of a designer-label school, even though their children will be lonely sheep among wolves. Parents borrow heavily to provide sons and daughters with a crutch that may encourage laziness when it comes to using talents.”

Listen to the full recording here.

Other students rightly ask where they can get the best education, but ultimately they need to ask deeper questions: “Where am I most likely to grow spiritually and intellectually? Where am I most likely to find a calling and become well-prepared for it? Where am I most likely to find a godly mate? After considering those questions, many students will head to a good Christian college that values brains as well as hearts. At a good school professors encourage students to rebel against America’s leading religion—secular liberalism—not Christ.”

Ultimately, Olasky advised, “The right college for a Christian is not one that will merely strengthen his resume. It is one that will go the furthest in strengthening heart, soul, and mind.”

Dr. Olasky, although no longer the Distinguished Chain in Journalism and Public Policy at PHC, has welcomed many PHC Journalism Majors as interns at WORLD Magazine and its daily podcast, The World and Everything In It, and PHC alumna Harvest Prude (Class of 2018) joined the organization’s Washington bureau this summer.


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