The TLC Blog | Patrick Henry College (PHC)

Here are Two More New Year's Resolutions

Written by Becca Samelson | Jan 4, 2018 7:00:00 PM

Every January, people pull out their pens and paper to make a list of resolutions for the upcoming year; ways to change for the better, goals to achieve, or things to accomplish. Although it’s been 2018 for a few days now, it’s not too late to add two more resolutions to your list. And if you’re a veteran teen camper, these might sound a bit familiar…

1. Reach High

Don’t settle for less this year. Spend 2018 stretching yourself in everything you do! Give school your all by studying hard and investing in what you learn. Strive for excellence in your extracurriculars! Whether you compete in speech and debate or play for the basketball team, set personal goals for yourself that may not be necessarily about winning, but pushing yourself to compete better. Don’t spend this year going through the motions and settling for average. Push yourself to be the best actor, writer, athlete, debater, dancer, or student you can be.


2. Grow Deep

Even though you’re in high school, you can still make the most out of everything you do. Instead of simply memorizing facts for a test, try looking for meaning in your classes. Whether it’s the courage of the American army in the Revolutionary War, the existence of patterns in math and science, or a beautiful sonata heard in your music history class, try to find something beautiful or meaningful in what you’re learning that you’ll remember after the test.

And growing deep goes beyond the classroom. Make the most of your friendships by sharing your faith and praying with one another. Try to support and be there for one another this year, deepening your relationships. Don’t forget to deepen your relationship with God as well. Spend time in the Word, seek His will, and strive to grow in love for Him.


We hope you have an amazing 2018—full of personal achievement and growth! But don’t forget to keep reaching and growing when school’s out. See how our Teen Leadership camps can inspire you to reach high and grow deep while redefining your summer in our latest blog post.