"Today was rough ..."

Written by Les Sillars | February 20, 2018 at 2:04 PM

When Kendra Olson (Class of '17) started her job as a production assistant on Fox News@Night a few months ago, she knew there would be challenges. "Seventeen people were shot and killed at a Florida high school today," she wrote on her personal Facebook page. "Due to the nature of my job, I spent 8 hours this Valentine’s Day watching the witness interviews, seeing them cry, reviewing the footage, and listening to professionals argue about what should have happened."

But Kendra could come to terms with the tragedy because of her faith. " I left work determined to do one thing: love my people. I’m not just talking about the obvious ones: family, friends, and coworkers. I’m talking about the people I see on the street, neighbors, mechanics, janitors, and store clerks. I want to forgive quickly, laugh often, and care deeply. I cannot change the whole world, but perhaps I can change my world."

Click for a screenshot of her post describing her day and her reaction to it. (Reposted with her permission.)