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2024 | PHC Teen Leadership Camps

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"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations..." -Matthew 28:19

Read about our camp offerings below!

Strategic Intelligence

June 16- June 22

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Strategic Intelligence Camp

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“...there is no security, no safety, in the appeasement of evil. It must be the core of Western policy that there be no sanctuary for terror, and to sustain such a policy, free men and free nations must unite and work together.
– Ronald Reagan

Strategic Intelligence Camp functions as a unique environment for Christian teens to interact with the idea of “How should intelligence look from a Christian perspective?” In our era, terrorism, privacy, security, legality, technology, and culture present increasingly thorny situations that touch intelligence and are extremely relevant to everyday citizens, both as patriots and as Christians. Through lectures, activities, simulations, and discussions, SI Camp attempts to help students begin developing a framework for understanding key questions. While at Strategic Intelligence camp, you will:

  • Participate in a Crisis Management Exercise, which simulates how the government responds to intelligence emergencies.
  • Rise to the challenge of working through some of the most complicated global problems in team-based discussions.
  • Listen to the stories of professionals who have lived their lives in the intelligence community, and gain insight into the unique rewards and challenges of navigating the intelligence arena.
  • Begin developing the foundation necessary to be an informed citizen in intelligence matters.
  • Explore what principles the Bible brings to a discussion that is often relegated to the legal realm.


Have you attended the Strategic Intelligence Camp before? If so, there is a special track available just for you! SI: Advanced Track is designed to allow students who have already been to SI Camp to dive a little deeper into some of the more complex challenges of the intelligence field. This addition to Strategic Intelligence Camp replaces Strategic Intelligence: Level 2 and will run concurrently with the Entry Track camp.

This Advanced Track will involve special lectures and additional guided research into specific issues and countries that are likely to be major international players in the next few years. Campers in this track are expected to help shepherd the Entry Track campers who have not attended before, as much of their prior experience will carry over.

If you are serious about pursuing strategic intelligence as a career, dive deeper into the field with this Advanced Track for returning campers only.

Registration closes June 13.

Strategic Intelligence - Tentative Camp Schedule

  Welcome & Move-In Day What Intelligence Is and Isn't Counter-Intel & Game of Pawns Modern Imagery, Techniques, & Problems Washington D.C. Field Trip Public Choice, Policy, & Presentations Pick-Up & Departure
  - Sunday - - Monday - - Tuesday - - Wednesday - - Thursday - - Friday - - Saturday -
 7:00 A Weekend Camper Breakfast  Breakfast & Devotions  Breakfast & Devotions  Breakfast & Devotions  Breakfast & Depart for D.C.  Breakfast & Devotions Airport Shuttles Depart
9:00 A Weekend Camper Church Service Guest Lecture
(SI Professor)
Guest Lecture
(Intel Operations)
Guest Lecture
(FBI Field Officer)
Monuments & Memorials Crisis Management Exercise (CME) Parent Pickup Begins
11:00 A Weekend Camper Lunch Intelligence Community Q&A Military Covert Operations Q&A Cybersecurity & the Internet Q&A (cont'd) (cont'd) (cont'd)
12:15 P ~ Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch on the National Mall Lunch Break Parent Pickup
1:15 P ~ Interactive Film Analysis Interactive Film Analysis Interactive Film Analysis Smithsonian Museums (cont'd) ~
3:00 P Check-In, Customs, Tour, & Q+A Recreation & Free Time Recreation & Free Time Recreation & Free Time Return to Campus Recreation & Free Time ~
5:00 P Dinner & Wing Meetings Dinner & Evening Missions Dinner & Evening Missions Dinner & Evening Missions Dinner & Evening Missions Dinner & Closing Ceremonies Weekend Camper Dinner
8:00 P Opening Ceremonies Corporate Chapel Wing Bible Studies Corporate Chapel Wing Bible Studies Farewell Fellowship Social Weekend Camper Activity
10:00 P Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out



Instructor: Sam Watkins

Sam Watkins is a graduate of PHC's Strategic Intelligence track ('15) and proud Kentuckian who has vowed to keep her southern roots intact no matter where she goes. During her time at PHC, she enjoyed working on several projects, including leading the FBI Counterintelligence Journal, teaching and mentoring new freshmen in PHC's Introduction to Intelligence, and playing the U.S. President during crisis simulations.

Sam interned at the Bureau of Diplomatic Security in the State Department and hopes to go back someday as a full time employee overseas. She has been involved with SI camp for 5 years and continues towards her goal of making each year better than the last. During her limited free time, she spends entirely too much time cuddling with her beloved cats, and she loves nothing more than dancing, fiction writing, and making messes in the kitchen and calling it cooking.

Constitutional Law

June 23 - June 29

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Constitutional Law Camp

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“Don't interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our liberties.
– Abraham Lincoln

When our government officials take the oath of office, they do not pledge faithfulness to the government, the president, or even the nation itself—they promise to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. But many Americans are functionally illiterate when it comes to the Constitution. The nation and the courts now seem to use the Constitution to support ideologies and policies directly contrary to the Founding Fathers’ intent. How have we arrived here and is there a way forward where these issues can be addressed?

At Constitutional Law Camp, you will explore our nation's founding documents and precedent-setting Supreme Court decisions. You’ll get familiar with legal terms and complex judicial and legislative concepts, while learning to reflect critically about the Constitution’s original intent. You will receive cases to decide as if you were a member of the Supreme Court, and you will get to apply the legal principles that you have learned to come up with an oral opinion as Supreme Court Justices. Leave camp with a thorough understanding of the world’s first and longest-standing written constitution, the basis for how our country and its freedoms work. 

Students will take an active role in learning the Constitution through group exercises, research, and presentations. In a dynamic, hands-on format, Constitutional Law Camp will scratch the surface of these issues and help you think through what your response will be and how you might be a part of recovering important pieces of our great republic.

Registration closes June 20.


Constitutional Law - Tentative Camp Schedule

  Welcome & Move-In Day Foundations of Government The Big Ideas of Constitutional Law The Bill of Rights & Case Review Washington D.C. Field Trip Principles of Interpretation Pick-Up & Departure
  - Sunday - - Monday - - Tuesday - - Wednesday - - Thursday - - Friday - - Saturday -
 7:00 A Weekend Camper Breakfast  Breakfast & Devotions  Breakfast & Devotions  Breakfast & Devotions  Breakfast & Depart for D.C.  Breakfast & Devotions Airport Shuttles Depart
9:00 A Weekend Camper Church Service Intro to American Government Mapping the Constitution Principles of Interpretation Monuments & Memorials Dobbs Decision Parent Pickup Begins
11:00 A Weekend Camper Lunch Political Theory & Rule of Law Democracy vs. Republic Substantive Due Process (cont'd) Free Speech and Religion (cont'd)
12:15 P ~ Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch on the National Mall Lunch Break Parent Pickup
1:15 P ~ Our Unique Constitution Guest Lecture
(PHC Professor)
Guest Lecture
(Gov. Official)
Smithsonian Museums Game Show & Review ~
3:00 P Check-In, Tour, & Q+A Recreation & Free Time Recreation & Free Time Recreation & Free Time Return to Campus Recreation & Free Time ~
5:00 P Dinner & Wing Meetings Dinner & Evening Games Dinner & Evening Games Dinner & Evening Games Dinner & Evening Games Dinner & Closing Ceremonies Weekend Camper Dinner
8:00 P Opening Ceremonies Corporate Chapel Wing Bible Studies Corporate Chapel Wing Bible Studies Farewell Fellowship Social Weekend Camper Activity
10:00 P Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out



Capture-Aug-10-2022-02-28-42-59-PMInstructor: Peter Kamakawiwoole, JD

Peter Kamakawiwoole is the Director of Litigation for the Home School Legal Defense Association. During his 12 years as a staff attorney on the HSLDA litigation team, he has represented homeschooling families before state and federal tribunals, including the United States Circuit Courts of Appeals for the Second and Fourth Circuits, and the Supreme Court of Virginia. Kamakawiwoole earned his law degree from St. Louis University School of Law and is also an adjunct professor of government at Patrick Henry College. Additionally, Kamakawiwoole is a Patrick Henry College alumnus and was the first PHC American Moot Court Association national champion in 2005. 

Leadership & Worldview

June 23 - June 29

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Leadership and Worldview Camp

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“And David shepherded them with integrity of heart;
with skillful hands he led them.
– Psalm 78:72

We are each called to be influencers for the glory of God.  Part of working out that calling is learning about your unique “leadership shape”—the way that God has hard-wired you to interact with people, to process information and to make decisions.  In this camp we will help students discover their leadership strengths as well as areas where they have the opportunity for growth.  The material is interactive and involves fast-paced team projects, fun simulations and constructive feedback.  We will learn about vision statements, organizing and running team meetings, and even develop a marketing campaign for the Lake Bob Underwater Marine Observatory and Discovery Center, just for fun.

Leadership also includes the ability to listen well and interact with people who are very different from you.  The Worldviews portion of the camp will focus on examining four principle worldviews (humanism/atheism, polytheism, pantheism and monotheism) to understand how each would answer four basic questions of:

Origin - Where did we come from? Is there a God?

Meaning - Why are we here? Is there meaning for our existence?

Morality - What accounts for the way we interact with each other? Do right / wrong, good / bad really exist?

Destiny – Is this all there is? Is there life after death?  How do our actions now impact that destiny?

Is there any common ground?  What are the major differences? 
Does a particular worldview pass the two tests for truth:  correspondence and coherence?

Students need a well-reasoned apologetic (defense) of their faith now more than ever! They also need to understand what it means to have a faith that is based on the Person of Christ versus a faith that is based on ever-changing cultural norms. This camp will help students develop a mental and spiritual grid for sifting and sorting through the barrage of cultural messages that confront them every day. In addition, it will give them tools for leading and interacting in a diverse environment in ways that add light, not heat, to potentially divisive conversations.

Registration closes June 20.


Leadership and Worldview - Tentative Camp Schedule

  Welcome & Move-In Day Learning Your Leadership Style Implementing Your Leadership Style Understanding Why Worldview Matters Washington D.C. Field Trip Team Presentations & Recap Pick-Up & Departure
  - Sunday - - Monday - - Tuesday - - Wednesday - - Thursday - - Friday - - Saturday -
 7:00 A Weekend Camper Breakfast  Breakfast & Devotions  Breakfast & Devotions  Breakfast & Devotions  Breakfast & Depart for D.C.  Breakfast & Devotions Airport Shuttles Depart
9:00 A Weekend Camper Church Service Definition of a Leader Time Management & Resolving Conflict Deciphering Worldviews Monuments & Memorials Debrief of D.C. Tour Parent Pickup Begins
11:00 A Weekend Camper Lunch Leadership Personality Test Team Presentation Breakout & Report The Big 4 Worldviews (cont'd) Team Worldview Presentations (cont'd)
12:15 P ~ Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch on the National Mall Lunch Break Parent Pickup
1:15 P ~ Project Mgmt. & Presentation Intro Field of Dreams Case Study Team Presentation Preparation Smithsonian Museums Wrap-Up & Open Mic Session ~
3:00 P Check-In, Tour, & Q+A Recreation & Free Time Recreation & Free Time Recreation & Free Time Return to Campus Recreation & Free Time ~
5:00 P Dinner & Wing Meetings Dinner & Evening Games Dinner & Evening Games Dinner & Evening Games Dinner & Evening Games Dinner & Closing Ceremonies Weekend Camper Dinner
8:00 P Opening Ceremonies Corporate Chapel Wing Bible Studies Corporate Chapel Wing Bible Studies Farewell Fellowship Social Weekend Camper Activity
10:00 P Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out


Instructor: Jack Haye

Haye official 2022 headshot 1

President Jack Haye is a 30-year veteran of the corporate banking world. He holds degrees from Baylor University and American Graduate School of International Management, including a Masters of International Management-Finance and Accounting. President Haye spent nearly twenty years as a banking executive at Wells Fargo and for ten years (2002-2012) held the position of Executive Vice President and National Manager. He served on the Board of Visitors at Baylor University (1986-1992), and as a founding member of PHC's Board of Trustees (1998-Present), having served as the Board Chairman since 2000.

Before becoming President of Patrick Henry College in August 2015, President Haye served as Executive Pastor of First Baptist Church of McKinney, a 5000-member church located near Dallas, Texas. His responsibilities there included staff development, budget management, development and delivery of apologetics teaching series, and oversight of both local and international missional engagement in the areas of orphan care, education, and human trafficking.

Literature & History

June 23 - June 29

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Literature Camp

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“How does one balance the fallen and redeemed aspects of life in the artistic portrayal of human experience in the world?" 
– Leland Ryken

Leland Ryken writes in The Liberated Imagination: Thinking Christianly About the Arts that history "tell[s] us what happened, while literature tells us what happens." Both are vitally important for Christian education. How does good literature interact with history? What can the Western canon teach us about humans and cultures? What makes a book a classic that history will remember? We'll come together to discuss Classics & Culture, exploring what worldview and culture surround several Western classics and how these classics reflect the history of their time. 

Registration closes June 20.


Literature and History - Tentative Camp Schedule

  Welcome & Move-In Day Ancient to Medieval Times Renaissance to Reformation Romanticism to Realism Washington D.C. Field Trip 20th Century
to Postmodern
Pick-Up & Departure
  - Sunday - - Monday - - Tuesday - - Wednesday - - Thursday - - Friday - - Saturday -
 7:00 A Weekend Camper Breakfast  Breakfast & Devotions  Breakfast & Devotions  Breakfast & Devotions  Breakfast & Depart for D.C.  Breakfast & Devotions Airport Shuttles Depart
9:00 A Weekend Camper Church Service Lit Analysis & Historical Context Lit Analysis & Historical Context Lit Analysis & Historical Context Monuments & Memorials Lit Analysis & Historical Context Parent Pickup Begins
11:00 A Weekend Camper Lunch Creative Application Project Creative Application Project Creative Application Project (cont'd) Creative Project Presentation (cont'd)
12:15 P ~ Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch on the National Mall Lunch Break Parent Pickup
1:15 P ~ Guest Lecture   (PHC Professor) Guest Lecture  (Jupiter Theatre)  Guest Lecture  (PHC Alumni) Smithsonian Museums Guest Lecture   (PHC Professor) ~
3:00 P Check-In, Tour, & Q+A Recreation & Free Time Recreation & Free Time Recreation & Free Time Return to Campus Recreation & Free Time ~
5:00 P Dinner & Wing Meetings Dinner & Evening Games Dinner & Evening Games Dinner & Evening Games Dinner & Evening Games Dinner & Closing Ceremonies Weekend Camper Dinner
8:00 P Opening Ceremonies Corporate Chapel Wing Bible Studies Corporate Chapel Wing Bible Studies Farewell Fellowship Social Weekend Camper Activity
10:00 P Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out


Instructor: Grace Bennett

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Grace Bennett is a former PHC teen camper, staffer, and a 2021 graduate from Patrick Henry College. While at PHC, she majored in Literature, served as a head Resident Assistant, and was an active member of the PHC chorale and chapel guild. Grace has served in Teen Camps as both counselor and Director, as well as a PHC Admissions counselor for a time after graduation. She is currently pursuing an MA in Language and Literature from Signum University, focusing on Medieval and Renaissance literature and its connections to the Inklings. She currently works for the Classic Learning Test and as a baker at her favorite local coffee shop. In Grace's spare time, she enjoys exploring Northern Virginia with her husband, reading anything by William Shakespeare and C.S. Lewis, drinking inordinate amounts of British tea, and seeking out the beauty and goodness of the Lord in the most unexpected places. She is thrilled to share her passion for good literature with all of you during this week of camp!

Moot Court

June 30 - July 6

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Moot Court Camp Image

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“The President and the Congress are all very well in their way. They can say what they think they think, but it rests with the Supreme Court to decide what they have really thought.
– Theodore Roosevelt

Moot Court provides an opportunity for students to explore Constitutional issues. A traditional law school activity, now growing in the undergraduate arena, Moot Court prepares students for the rigors of arguing a case before the United States Supreme Court. This camp will introduce campers to Moot Court, teaching them how to analyze and defend a case. Campers will have the opportunity to work with and be coached by former collegiate Moot Court national competitors. Beginners and veterans alike are welcome!

Registration closes June 27.


Moot Court - Tentative Camp Schedule

  Welcome & Move-In Day What is Moot Court & How to Win Case Analysis & Issue Statements Arguments & Courtroom Tips Issue Prep & Practice Rounds Washington D.C. Field Trip Pick-Up & Departure
  - Sunday - - Monday - - Tuesday - - Wednesday - - Thursday - - Friday - - Saturday -
 7:00 A Weekend Camper Breakfast  Breakfast & Devotions  Breakfast & Devotions  Breakfast & Devotions  Breakfast & Devotions Breakfast & Depart for D.C. Airport Shuttles Depart
9:00 A Weekend Camper Church Service Moot Court Intro & 2022 Demo Video Legal Argumentation  Rhetoric & Demeanor Hearing #1 & Debrief Monuments & Memorials Parent Pickup Begins
11:00 A Weekend Camper Lunch Reading Case Law & FIHRRs Brainstorming the Case Issue Counselor Demo Round Hearing #2 & Debrief (cont'd) (cont'd)
12:15 P ~ Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch on the National Mall Parent Pickup
1:15 P ~ Case Amendments & Breakout Rule Statement & Argument Outlines Practice & Refine Arguments Hearing #3 & Debrief Smithsonian Museums ~
3:00 P Check-In, Tour, & Q+A Recreation & Free Time Recreation & Free Time Recreation & Free Time Recreation & Free Time Return to Campus ~
5:00 P Dinner & Wing Meetings Dinner & Evening Games Dinner & Evening Games Dinner & Moot Court Prep Dinner & Evening Games Dinner & Closing Ceremonies Weekend Camper Dinner
8:00 P Opening Ceremonies Corporate Chapel Wing Bible Studies Corporate Chapel Wing Bible Studies Farewell Fellowship Social Weekend Camper Activity
10:00 P Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out


Instructor: Susan H. Johnson


PHC Forensics Program Director Susan Johnson brings more than a decade of coaching and organizational experience in high school and collegiate Mock Trial, Moot Court, and Debate to her role as Patrick Henry College Forensics Program Director. 

Serving on the Boards of Directors for the American Mock Trial Association (AMTA), American Moot Court Association (AMCA), and National High School Mock Trial Competition (NHSMTC), she is deeply involved in the forensics community nationwide. Sue has been published in the North Carolina State Bar Journal and various newsletters and has authored or co-authored more than a dozen mock trial cases at the high school and collegiate levels. She earned her B.A., summa cum laude, and M.P.H., magna cum laude, from the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, as well as a certificate in Nonprofit Management from Duke University. As a strong supporter of Patrick Henry College, Sue is passionate about developing young men and women to lead the nation and shape the culture for Christ.

Entrepreneurship & Economics

June 30 - July 6

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Entrepreneurship & Economics Camp

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“People don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe.
– Simon Sinek

At this camp, you will discover the crucial role of economics and the entrepreneur in our society. We will venture beyond the basics and explore the interplay of Christian values, free markets, economic policy, analytics, and cutting edge business practices. This camp is for all levels of business or economics experience. You will benefit from direct interaction with PHC's experienced faculty and staff. The camp culminates in a capstone project of your choice in either entrepreneurship or economic policy. At Entrepreneurship & Economics camp, you will:

  • Dive into active discussions and learn how the market affects entrepreneurs.
  • Put economics into action with live simulations ending with a business pitch to a "tank" of leadership at the college.
  • Discover the vital role of entrepreneurs in our economy.
  • Wrestle with business ethics from a biblical perspective.
  • Explore how analytics improves business success.
  • Consider business leadership and start learning what it takes to be an entrepreneur.
  • Venture into the larger world of economic policy and entrepreneurship.

Guest presenters will include Prof. Nathan Russell, Assistant Professor of Economics, and Howard Schmidt, PHC’s Executive Vice President and Director of the Economics & Business Analytics program. Read his bio here.

Registration closes June 27.


Entrepreneurship and Economics - Tentative Camp Schedule

  Welcome & Move-In Day Market, Money, & the Bible How to Run a Business The Numbers Behind a Business Economic Policy & Presentations Washington D.C. Field Trip Pick-Up & Departure
  - Sunday - - Monday - - Tuesday - - Wednesday - - Thursday - - Friday - - Saturday -
 7:00 A Weekend Camper Breakfast  Breakfast & Devotions  Breakfast & Devotions  Breakfast & Devotions  Breakfast & Devotions Breakfast and Depart for D.C. Airport Shuttles Depart
9:00 A Weekend Camper Church Service The Market
(Professor Russell)
Money & the Bible (EVP Schmidt) Case Study Prep.
(Guest Lecturer)
Monuments & Memorials Parent Pickup Begins
11:00 A Weekend Camper Lunch Free Enterprise
(Professor Russell)
Economic Morality
(Professor Russell)
Impact of Gov.
(Professor Russell)
Wrap Up
 (Professor Russell)
(cont'd) (cont'd)
12:15 P ~ Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch on the National Mall Parent Pickup
1:15 P ~ Intro to Business
(Guest Lecturer)
Enterprise Research (Guest Lecturer) Company Analysis Breakout Session Think Like a CEO
(EVP Schmidt)
Smithsonian Museums ~
3:00 P Check-In, Tour, & Q+A Recreation & Free Time Recreation & Free Time Recreation & Free Time Recreation & Free Time Return to Campus ~
5:00 P Dinner & Wing Meetings Dinner & Evening Games Dinner & Evening Games Dinner & Presentation Prep Dinner & Evening Games Dinner & Closing Ceremonies Weekend Camper Dinner
8:00 P Opening Ceremonies Corporate Chapel Wing Bible Studies Corporate Chapel Wing Bible Studies Farewell Fellowship Social Weekend Camper Activity
10:00 P Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out

Instructor: Nathan Russell

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Professor Nathan Russell holds an M.A. in Economics from George Mason University and specializes in Public Choice, Public Finance, practical economics, the morality and culture of markets, and communicating economic ideas—particularly ideas related to policy and everyday application of economics. Professor Russell has been with PHC since 2006 and is currently an assistant professor of economics. He previously worked for the Charles G. Koch Foundation where he developed economic education methodology and theories of economic management, the Regulatory Economics Group where he analyzed corporate cost and profitability, and the Mackinac Center for Public Policy where he assessed state economic and educational policy.



June 30 - July 6

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Speech Camp Image

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“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak, and to sit down and listen.
– Winston Churchill

From college applications and internships, to job interviews and casual conversations, communications skills are paramount to success. Whether you love being center stage and already have experience in public speaking or you prefer to stay behind the scenes and feel ill at the thought of an audience, this camp is perfect for you. This camp places a special emphasis on the importance of both character and critical thinking in communication. Packed full of practical instruction and personal coaching, this camp will help students step outside of their comfort zone and develop the ability to:

  • Think quickly on their feet.
  • Create phenomenal first impressions.
  • Formulate clear responses to difficult questions.
  • Captivate and convince their audience.
  • Increase their influence.
  • Communicate with confidence and poise under pressure.

This camp is for any student who wants to increase their influence as an articulate leader. Students can expect to practice all principles taught through personalized coaching, drills, games, and friendly competition. Several sessions will also focus on limited prep, interp, and prepared speech events to make you a better speaker if you wish to compete in Speech.

There are no prerequisites required to attend this camp. Camp material is revamped each year, so returning students are welcome and can expect new lessons and activities to take their communication to the next level! The objective of this camp is for all students to leave with an ignited passion for communication and a solid foundation for how to successfully develop the logical premises of their position.

Registration closes June 27.


Speech - Tentative Camp Schedule

  Welcome & Move-In Day The Role of the Speaker Shaping Culture Through Rhetoric Political Theory in the 18th Century The Modern Era & Our Response Washington D.C. Field Trip Pick-Up & Departure
  - Sunday - - Monday - - Tuesday - - Wednesday - - Thursday - - Friday - - Saturday -
 7:00 A Weekend Camper Breakfast  Breakfast & Devotions  Breakfast & Devotions  Breakfast & Devotions  Breakfast & Devotions Breakfast & Depart for D.C. Airport Shuttles Depart
9:00 A Weekend Camper Church Service Introduction to Oratory Speeches on War & Inspiration The Two Revolutions The Success of American Oratory Monuments & Memorials Parent Pickup Begins
11:00 A Weekend Camper Lunch    Rhetorical Devices & How to Utilize Speeches on Religion Rhetoric in Defense of Liberty Rhetoric as a Means of Change (cont'd) (cont'd)
12:15 P ~ Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch on the National Mall Parent Pickup
1:15 P ~ The Rhetoric of the Ancients Interps & How to Persuade Limited Prep & Thinking on Feet Prepared Speeches & Your Audience Smithsonian Museums ~
3:00 P Check-In, Tour, & Q+A Recreation & Free Time Recreation & Free Time Recreation & Free Time Recreation & Free Time Return to Campus ~
5:00 P Dinner & Wing Meetings Dinner & Evening Games Dinner & Evening Games Dinner & Evening Games Dinner & Evening Games Dinner & Closing Ceremonies Weekend Camper Dinner
8:00 P Opening Ceremonies Corporate Chapel Wing Bible Studies Corporate Chapel Wing Bible Studies Farewell Fellowship Social Weekend Camper Activity
10:00 P Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out


Instructor: Thomas DoanIMG_1675

Thomas Doan is a graduate of PHC’s Strategic Intelligence program (‘22) and currently serves as a product manager and quality engineer for G3 Technologies. Thomas competed for 5 years prior to college in speech and debate in the NCFCA and during that time went from crying after speaking for 30 seconds to competing and placing nationally in several speech categories and placing in the quarter finals of Lincoln-Douglas debate his senior year at the national championship. He would go on to place 3rd at the AMCA Moot Court national championship his freshman year of college. Thomas currently coaches the PHC Atlantic Council Cyber Competition teams following semi-final finish in an international competition as part of the college’s inaugural team. 

Thomas is coaching speech because he believes learning to communicate effectively has been instrumental to the success he has found in life, and there is very little that is more important than the skillful and convincing communication of ideas. Understanding how to speak effectively and empathically goes beyond simple competition, and it is when we can reach beyond doing well in a competition that our skills show and we can begin to display our maximum potential for God's Kingdom. 


July 7 - July 13

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Debate Camp Shot

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“In all debates, let truth by thy aim, not victory, or an unjust interest.
– William Penn

Debate Camp will be a stellar experience for anyone who wants to learn how to think, communicate, and persuade. Whether you're a seasoned debater who wants to win nationals or just wants to persuade someone on Facebook, this camp is for you. We will cover everything from basic logic and rhetorical skills to advanced non-verbal persuasion strategies. Through sessions, practice debate rounds, and practical drills, students will leave better equipped to speak truth in a winsome, loving manner.

Never debated before? Debate Camp will help you grasp the skill. Advanced debater? We will dive into the intricacies of persuasion and advanced debate theory to help you refine your skill.

Debate tactics for Team Policy and Lincoln Douglas will be covered during camp, giving you a head start on your preparation for the coming competition year. Students will also learn the finer points of rhetoric, tying their preparation into everyday life that you can take with you into adulthood.

Registration closes July 4.



Debate - Tentative Camp Schedule

  Welcome & Move-In Day Affirmative Case & Research Methods Negative Case & Cross Examinations Ethics, Philosophy, & Argumentation Washington D.C. Field Trip Logical Fallacies, Practice, & Recap Pick-Up & Departure
  - Sunday - - Monday - - Tuesday - - Wednesday - - Thursday - - Friday - - Saturday -
 7:00 A Weekend Camper Breakfast  Breakfast & Devotions  Breakfast & Devotions  Breakfast & Devotions  Breakfast & Depart for D.C.  Breakfast & Devotions Airport Shuttles Depart
9:00 A Weekend Camper Church Service Introduction to Debate Negative Case Construction Research Methodology and Precise Terminology Monuments & Memorials Physical and Verbal Delivery Techniques Parent Pickup Begins
11:00 A Weekend Camper Lunch Debate Etiquette & Customs Case Study: Getting to Yes How to Debunk Fallacies (cont'd) Presentation & Delivery (cont'd)
12:15 P ~ Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch on the National Mall Lunch Break Parent Pickup
1:15 P ~ Affirmative Case Construction Cross Examination Case Study: Aristotle Smithsonian Museums Debate & Recap ~
3:00 P Check-In, Tour, & Q+A Recreation & Free Time Recreation & Free Time Recreation & Free Time Return to Campus Recreation & Free Time ~
5:00 P Dinner & Wing Meetings Dinner & Evening Games Dinner & Evening Games Dinner & Evening Games Dinner & Evening Games Dinner & Closing Ceremonies Weekend Camper Dinner
8:00 P Opening Ceremonies Corporate Chapel Wing Bible Studies Corporate Chapel Wing Bible Studies Farewell Fellowship Social Weekend Camper Activity
10:00 P Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out


Instructor: Ryan McDonald, JD


Ryan McDonald is a federal enforcement attorney working at the Federal Communications Commission in Washington, D.C. He was hired through the Honors Attorney program immediately upon graduation from Scalia Law School and passage of the Virginia Bar Exam. Professor McDonald himself competed in forensics and competitive speaking events of varying forms for more than 15 years, and he now employs his skills teaching Debate to the forensics students of Patrick Henry College. The Debate program at Patrick Henry College entails research and preparation for topic-specific events and enables students to intelligently, critically, and competitively engage in dialogue to persuade judges and citizens alike. The topics range from social justice reforms, economics, and climate topics, to international policy and diplomacy. Professor McDonald uses his class to help develop the critical thinking, research, and truth-seeking capabilities of his students, all while preparing them to compete against some of the best teams in the country. 

Journalism & Digital Media

July 7 - July 13

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World Journalism Camp

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“The three most important skills of a journalist, then, are the abilities to see the world clearly, think clearly, and write clearly. We help students do that.
– Dr. Les Sillars

At Journalism & Digital Media Camp, you’ll experience life as a reporter in a digital world. You will learn how to conduct interviews, how to record and edit video and audio files, and how to tell stories. Mostly importantly, you’ll discover how to think biblically about the news. You will find and craft stories for several platforms and practice engaging your audience. Learn how to:

  • Ask good questions and conduct successful interviews.
  • Tell compelling, true stories in today’s media culture.
  • Apply journalistic techniques across a variety of platforms, including web, video, and radio.
  • Wrestle with journalism ethics and cultivate a Christian worldview.
  • Experience the multi-media world of modern reporting.

Watch Summer 2023 award-winning camper videos here!

Registration closes July 4.


Summer 2023
1st Place

Summer 2023
Best Sound

Summer 2023
Best Interview

Summer 2023
Best B-Roll





Journalism & Digital Media - Tentative Camp Schedule

  Welcome & Move-In Day The Impact of Great Storytelling Writing, Lighting, & Scripts Narrating & The Journalism Life Washington D.C. Field Trip Audience-Building & Final Edits Pick-Up & Departure
  - Sunday - - Monday - - Tuesday - - Wednesday - - Thursday - - Friday - - Saturday -
 7:00 A Weekend Camper Breakfast  Breakfast & Devotions  Breakfast & Devotions  Breakfast & Devotions  Breakfast & Depart for D.C.  Breakfast & Devotions Airport Shuttles Depart
9:00 A Weekend Camper Church Service Storytelling 1: The Structure of Stories Guest Speaker: Audio Recording Storytelling 4: Documentaries Monuments & Memorials Introduction to PHC Journalism Program Parent Pickup Begins
11:00 A Weekend Camper Lunch Storytelling 2: Telling Audio Stories The Art of the Interview Project Work (cont'd) Project Work (cont'd)
12:15 P ~ Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch on the National Mall Lunch Break Parent Pickup
1:15 P ~ Storytelling 3: Telling Video Stories Profile Project Brainstorming Narration & Voicing Exercise Smithsonian Museums Project Presentation (Panel) ~
3:00 P Check-In, Tour, & Q+A Recreation & Free Time Recreation & Free Time Recreation & Free Time Return to Campus Recreation & Free Time ~
5:00 P Dinner & Wing Meetings Dinner & Evening Games Dinner & Evening Games Dinner & Evening Games Dinner & Evening Games Dinner & Closing Ceremonies Weekend Camper Dinner
8:00 P Opening Ceremonies Corporate Chapel Wing Bible Studies Corporate Chapel Wing Bible Studies Farewell Fellowship Social Weekend Camper Activity
10:00 P Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out


Instructor: Dr. Les Sillars

Dr. Les Sillars

Dr. Les Sillars directs the Journalism Program at Patrick Henry College. He teaches courses in the Journalism major, directs internships, serves as a student adviser, and oversees the student newspaper. Dr. Sillars is Mailbag Editor at WORLD magazine and a commentator and reporter for WORLD’s radio show, The World & Everything In It. His writing has appeared in The Weekly Standard, Touchstone, The National Post, The Gospel Coalition, The American Conservative, and other publications. His first book, Intended for Evil: A Survivor's Story of Love, Faith, and Courage in the Cambodian Killing Fields, came out in November 2016.
You can listen to one of his TW&E commentaries here.
Guest instructors will include Paul Butler, features editor at WORLD Radio, and more.

Drama & Theater

July 7 - July 13

Register Now!
Eden Troupe Camp

View Camp Offerings

“Some are born great, some achieve greatness,
and some have greatness thrust upon them.
Twelfth Night Act 2, Scene 5

Get ready to learn the skills of the stage! Every camper will receive hands-on instruction in stage acting and directing and ending with a final performance of several scene selections from classic plays. If you are interesting in directing, you will be able to train in the role of a theater director, learning how to use your creative imagination to bring the script to life and help guide your actors towards communicating the drama of scene. If you’re interested in both acting and directing - even better! Every actor/director should expect to learn both on and offstage elements throughout the week.

Registration closes July 4.

Drama & Theater - Tentative Camp Schedule

  Welcome & Move-In Day Producing & Planning Directing & Managing a Scene Acting & Character Development Washington D.C. Field Trip Final Rehearsal & Show Pick-Up & Departure
  - Sunday - - Monday - - Tuesday - - Wednesday - - Thursday - - Friday - - Saturday -
 7:00 A Weekend Camper Breakfast  Breakfast & Devotions  Breakfast & Devotions  Breakfast & Devotions  Breakfast & Depart for D.C.  Breakfast & Devotions Airport Shuttles Depart
9:00 A Weekend Camper Church Service The Art of Production The Challenge & Reward of Directing Making a Character Your Own Monuments & Memorials Modern Marvels in Drama & Theater Parent Pickup Begins
11:00 A Weekend Camper Lunch Developing a Concept Energy, Dynamics, & Stakes Soliloquy vs. Dialogue (cont'd) Scene Rehearsal 4 (cont'd)
12:15 P ~ Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch on the National Mall Lunch Break Parent Pickup
1:15 P ~ Scene Rehearsal 1 Scene Rehearsal 2 Scene Rehearsal 3 Smithsonian Museums Full Show ~
3:00 P Check-In, Tour, & Q+A Recreation & Free Time Recreation & Free Time Recreation & Free Time Return to Campus Recreation & Free Time ~
5:00 P Dinner & Wing Meetings Dinner & Evening Games Dinner & Evening Games Dinner & Evening Games Dinner & Evening Games Dinner & Closing Ceremonies Weekend Camper Dinner
8:00 P Opening Ceremonies Corporate Chapel Wing Bible Studies Corporate Chapel Wing Bible Studies Farewell Fellowship Social Weekend Camper Activity
10:00 P Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out


DSC03870 (2)Instructor: Elias Gannage

Mr. Elias Gannage is a Patrick Henry College alumnus, lover of music, and self-professed theater devotee. During his time as a PHC student, he filled roles on and off the stage in seven Eden Troupe productions, including directing his favorite play, Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest in 2018. Since graduation he has starred in thirteen productions with various local theater troupes, garnering much practical experience on the ins and outs of theatrical production and direction. These shows included Shakespeare, classic comedies, literary adaptations, interactive theater, and even musicals.  In 2021, he returned to PHC to help direct Oscar Wilde’s An Ideal Husband. Some of his favorite roles include Charlie Brown in You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown, Citizen Chauvelin in The Scarlet Pimpernel, and The Sergeant of Police in The Pirates of Penzance. He holds a BA in History with a music minor from PHC and is a current graduate student in William & Mary’s Master of Accounting program. When he’s not doing or thinking about theater, Elias spends his free time playing board games, swing dancing, and practicing fiddle, ukulele, and jazz piano.